Hi, Jay!
Isn’t this incredible that we’ve finally gotten the contracts signed for the model, the house is underway, and we’ve actually gotten to walk though it (several times, in fact) — who would have ever thought???
Larry and I just wanted to thank you again for your part in all of this — and we seriously mean that. When Mom and I stopped into your model to see a LifeStyle home and we talked with you, you took the time to listen to what I was saying and to understand our time constraints. You’re the one who connected all the dots, who set all of this into motion, and we appreciate that more than you know. This has been a long journey for us, spanning several years and with some heartbreak along the way, but the home where we’re now going to get to live when we retire is absolutely beyond question the right place for us.
All of you have been so kind and gracious to us during this process, so we’re counting on this home — when it’s finally ours (is it time yet????) — to be a truly magical haven for us!
Thanks, Jay!
Larry and Debbie