“Dear Tom,
Thank you so much for the wonderful job you have done with our home. You are an incredible asset to LifeStyle Homes and we are so happy we chose LifeStyle and got you as our superintendent! You have been extremely attentive to our needs and we feel confident with you being our eyes and ears here on this project. One of our neighbors told us today they really were so surprised that a company now a days had someone like you quite literally on the job sight daily and so involved as you have been. We can tell that you have put forth much work and your workers really have done a marvelous job. You can’t believe the number of people that told us today when we were dropping off the fans at how beautiful the house was and one lady even said LifeStyle was a good company to build with and that their son-in-law did the plumbing for our house! Again we know the house is being built so well because it is under your supervisory. Thanks again for all your help.
Best regards.”
-Myrna and Michael Dugan