Big news!
The LifeStyle team is proud to introduce our LifeStyle HealthSmart program! This exciting and innovative program aims to elevate the health and well-being of our customers and their families by putting clean indoor air at the forefront of the design and construction of LifeStyle homes.
LifeStyle HealthSmart is a comprehensive package of building products and practices that effectively reduce and eliminate airborne pollutants, as well as inhibit mold and mildew growth at every turn.
It starts with foremen who take extra precautions to limit construction debris making its way into your home’s ductwork. It carries through to structural and mechanical components that block moisture intrusion and airborne pollutants. And it is completed with designer finishes that are not only beautiful, but also effective at removing household toxins.
Why Now?
The emergence of COVID-19 has forced us all to confront the importance of clean indoor air and the role it plays on long-term health. At LifeStyle, we wanted to do better for our customers and their families, ensuring they can “breathe easy” inside their LifeStyle homes.
In a nutshell, LifeStyle HealthSmart is our response to the rapidly changing world. We have taken the lessons learned so far during the pandemic and put them into our work.
HealthSmart & SunSmart—Sister Programs with Big Benefits
This exciting new program represents a healthy addition to LifeStyle SunSmart, our longstanding energy-efficiency and structural durability program. Together, these two programs provide LifeStyle homeowners superior levels of quality, comfort, and cost savings.
Over the following weeks, we will be diving into each of the HealthSmart features on our blog. We will discuss what the feature is and how it works to improve your health and comfort.
In the meantime, we invite you to browse and learn about all the features and benefits included in LifeStyle HealthSmart, as well as some corresponding changes made to LifeStyle SunSmart.
And of course, our stellar sales specialists are ready to answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to learn more about building a LifeStyle HealthSmart home.