Have you seen LifeStyle Homes’ Tesla yet? OK, so it’s pretty hard to miss now that it’s fully wrapped and cruising around Brevard.
But, for those of you who haven’t had a chance to see this futuristic electric vehicle (EV) first-hand, we invite you to take a look at the recent photos taken of it at at our Pineda Springs model home.
As you can see, the Tesla’s battery is charged simply by plugging the vehicle into a 240-volt outlet in the home’s garage. This outlet is similar to the outlet you would plug your clothes dryer in, for example. The Tesla then runs on its stored battery power—no gasoline whatsoever! Now, what’s truly remarkable about the LifeStyle Tesla is that its battery is being charged at our solar-powered model homes. These homes harness the power of the sun to produce their own clean energy.
So, let’s do the math. The LifeStyle solar-powered home generates its own electricity from sunshine. The Tesla then uses this sunshine-generated electricity to get its battery charge. This means that the Tesla essentially runs on sunshine!
These technologies are the way of the future. In coming years, this set-up will be commonplace in homes across America – and we at LifeStyle Homes can’t wait. Why? Well because it’s the right thing to do for so, so many reasons.
Solar-powered homes mean energy-independence from big oil and utility companies. Solar-powered homes mean you, American homeowners, are not helpless against rising utility rates. Solar-powered homes mean much lessened need to burn fossil fuels that are ruining our planet. Electric vehicles, meanwhile, take this another step forward by further reducing our country’s dependence on foreign-oil imports. What does this mean for you? Quite simply, it means a much safer and cleaner place to raise your family.
The LifeStyle Tesla will be rotating its location among our solar-powered model homes. If you’re interested in seeing it in person, give us a shout at (321) 727-8188 and we’ll gladly point you to the model where it is parked.