Melbourne, Fl – November 10, 2013 – LifeStyle Homes is pleased to let you know that our good building science friends at the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) located in nearby Cocoa, Florida, have been awarded a major grant by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to work on making it easier for Floridians to add solar energy to their existing homes. Joined by six Florida Counties and Florida Atlantic University to form the GO SOLAR | Florida Team, FSEC scientists will use their share of the $1.6 million grant to study how to improve the building permitting and Grid interconnection processes homeowners must go through to take advantage of the low cost electricity available today courtesy of the free power of the sun.
Florida law empowers FSEC to develop standards for testing solar energy systems and requires all solar energy systems manufactured or sold in Florida to receive FSEC certification. Meeting the stringent standards developed by FSEC assures Floridians that they can rely on the performance of solar systems they install and on their engineering integrity.
This grant was awarded the DOE Rooftop Solar Challenge Program, which also aims to increase the use of solar energy across America by making it easier for homeowners to finance their solar energy systems, and demonstrate to governments at all levels that solar deployment brings high-skill, high-wage jobs to local economies and makes important contributions to environmental sustainability.
We’re proud of you, FSEC! As many times as we may try in this blog, we will never be able to repay you for your help in making LifeStyle Homes one of the nation’s leading solar power, energy efficient, home builders. Without your help, we would never have been able to develop our guaranteed HERS 59 LifeStyle SunSmart(SM) homes or our truly remarkable HERS 0 (zero) LifeStyle Net Zero Energy SunSmart(PV) homes which promise their owners Free Electricity for Life!
Enough of Business! Monday is the day we pause to remember the service of all our naval and military personnel who have sacrificed for us all. Please contact a service person today and tell them you love them. It won’t take long, and you’ll both feel better. If the person you want to honor has passed on, send them a prayer of thanks and happiness. If you are in a position to hire persons to help your business grow, please give first priority to people who have demonstrated the positive content of their character. It’s easy to avoid serving. Hard to step up. Doesn’t that say something to you?